Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wings3d is an awesome modeler.

I took some time out from playing with messiah, and made a modeling video for an awesome freeware program called Wings3d. You can purchase it from Lulu here.

I've been using Wings since 2002, and it has been quite the workhorse, helping me complete small jobs, complex jobs(such as my messiah tutorials) and it has been used extensively on BVG games produced by Avalanche Software... at least the ones I worked on. Itellyouwhat, it has saved my butt many-a-time under deadline.

There are only two things I would wish for to make Wings complete:
morph targets, and vertex colors co-existing with UVs. It's clear that I could live without those, but hoo-boy, that would be very happy making for me.

The community behind wings is quite talented, so I'm sure those two features will eventually make it into the program. Heck, it isn't even to version 1.0 yet !!

Half of the modeling tutorials are timelapsed. The first 23 videos are meant to prime you on how to see what I'm doing, so that you can interpret the timelapses easily. This program is so easy to pick up, its like accellerated learning once you see a technique being shown at high speed.

even with half of it timelapsed, its still a couple hours long. Enjoy!

This is the [extensive] chapter list for this tutorial set:

Chapter List for Learn Wings3d
A basic overview of the wings3d interface,and setting up the

LearnWings3d_Ch02_Selections and Navigation
Setting up Wings navigation controls and how to move around
the scene and pick objects.

Learning how to use the menus and tweak mode to move

A breif introduction to subdivision modeling and it's

Learning how to handle and visualize subdivision meshes and
how to control subdivision curves.

Using and modifying a subdivision cage to demonstrate the
different sharp/round edges on complex corners.

transitioning between sharp and smooth edges on a subdivision
mesh using Chapter 3's curve rules.

Your first wings3d model, a simple human body.

Time-compressed video of the previous lesson, with more
shape refinements.

Using the Edge loop philosophy to model and refine objects

Approaching low-resolution hands using Edge loops.

Time-Compressed video using the previous lesson for a more
refined hand.

Construction of a base head mesh that is easy to alter and

Time Compressed video of a more refined head mesh.

using simple geometry to generate complex Subdivision feet.

Time-Compressed Video of foot modeling using previous lesson's

Compressed video showing super simple ear geometry.

how to use Wings3d's image plane to import reference
images to model.

Time-compressed video Modeling a character from a sketch
imported as an image plane. (Note: previous version of Wings3d
is demonstrated)

Time-compressed video Modeling a character from a sketch
imported as an image plane. (Note: previous version of Wings3d
is demonstrated)

Using wings3d's UV unwrap and UV Charts to unfold a 3d object
into 2d texturing space.

Use different methods of unfolding and projecting a complex
3d object into 2d UV space for textures.

Use the vertex pallette to add color detail to an object
without texture maps or materials.


Chapter List for HiveAntTimelapse

Construction of the Body in mirror mode.

Construction of the legs and their assembly and posture.

Construction of Head, thorax and abdomen. Final assembly and


Chapter List for DinoTimeLapse

Using Image Reference, construction of a torso through basic
shape refinement.

"cube" modeling the arm, using techniques learned in previous

"cube" modeling the leg, using landmarks on the reference
images, then refining the geometry.

Merging and bridging multiple meshes together to form one
unified mesh

A different technique to constructing a leg from the foot up.

creation and refinement of the head geometry to mach reference

Bridging the head mesh to the body mesh, cutting and tweaking
geometry to make a seamless transition.

re-routing edges, faces, and tweaking points to create an
optimal mesh that deforms easily, and is edited easily.

(NOTE: this section is divided into subsections for easy study)
preparing the body for UV layout by marking hard edges in

Splitting the model with basic unwrapping, and unfolding the
toe meshes.

Unwrapping and stitching the head sections together. Cutting
and stitching toes to the legs to form a single UV island.

Freezing mirror to a full mesh and re-arranging the parts.
Arranging the claws in the UV window. Re-unfolding the head
And Body into unique UVs, instead of Mirrored UVs.

Merging the Teeth and gums into the torso model, and
combatting the uv projection of each tooth. the teeth needed
more geometry added before UV mapping.

Merging the eye geometry into the body to form a single model.
straight projection and rotating the eye UVs to line them up.

Chapter List for CrazyMechTimelapseVideo

Modeling the Right appendage. using Face operations to model
multiple details at once.

Modeling the torso, creating compound curves through simple
shapes, and refining them later.

lining up, scaling the torso to the right appendage.

"box" modeling simple objects that are duplicated and warped
into finger and hand mechanical parts.

Modeling the compound hand surface and joining fingers to it.

Creating the forearm, and insetting compound contours into the
basic shape of the arm.

generating the upper arm from parts of the lower arm to ensure
proper surface mating.

Creating the "nurnies" of the model. pistons and their
mounting points from one object to the next, using wings
vector operations to align them to their sockets.

Creating tubes through extrusion, beveling, and unique
"cube edge as path" extrusion.

Right appendage connection points and "nurnies". Freezing and
finalizing torso mesh to be non-mirrored.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

ch2: loading files

ch2: loading and manipulating an object. Factoid: it takes me somewhere between 8 and 100 takes to record a segment straight through without stuttering.... much.

Monday, March 17, 2008

my intent here is to make some relatively simple videos that outline what it is to use messiah. no tricks, no uber-cool techniques, just plain 'ol pointing out and using features.

I think what throws people off is that there really isn't any good overviews of how to use and understand messiah, so we all get stuck trying to understand the interface, when we could be working on getting some awesome rigging and animations done.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Here is the chapter list for Facial Rigging 2
Chapter List for Advanced Facial Rigging 2

After Transform Morphs Ch1
Use Wings3d to prepare a face model for the lesson

After Transform Morphs Ch2
Use the Morph Blender Effect and Meta Effector weights to create a cluster for the Jaw

After Transform Morphs Ch3
Use the Morph Blender Effect and Meta Effector weights to create clusters for the Lips

After Transform Morphs Ch4
Use the Morph Blender Effect and Meta Effector weights to create clusters for the LipCorners

After Transform Morphs Ch5
Use the Morph Blender Effect and Meta Effector weights to create clusters for the Cheeks

After Transform Morphs Ch6
Use the Morph Blender Effect and Meta Effector weights to create clusters for the Eyelids

After Transform Morphs Ch7
Use the Morph Blender Effect and Meta Effector weights to create clusters for the EyeBrows

After Transform Morphs Ch8
Organize the Scene data for the next rigging step

After Transform Morphs Ch9
Create Poses in negative Keyframes for each part of the face

After Transform Morphs Ch10
Use the CBMAF expression in Command mode to link the poses to sliders.

After Transform Morphs Ch11
Place a skeleton in after the face rigging is complete.

Animate Morphs Ch1
Learn in Wings3d how to 'animate' a model through morph targets by modeling each state.

Animate Morphs Ch2
Create a sequencer in Messiah that will link each morph target in sequence.

Animate Morphs Ch3
Use the Sequencer to modify an Expression in Command mode to play the morph sequence on a slider.

Local Controllers Ch1
Prepare a character model in Wings3d for use in the lesson.

Local Controllers Ch2
Use MetaEffectors to separate portions of the Model for rigging.

Local Controllers Ch3
Create an animation skeleton that deforms the model.

Local Controllers Ch4
use MetaEffectors to weight lip edges for sneering.

Local Controllers Ch5
Create lip sneer controls outside the animation heirarchy.

Local Controllers Ch6
Use Null heirarchies to 'zero' out translation and rotation data on a controller.

Local Controllers Ch7
Use Messiah's CycleBranchMorphAddFrame expression to hook the local lip controls to the sneer controls.

Local Controllers Ch8
Add Teeth and tongue to the bone deformation effect. learn different ways of using metaEffectors to sort the weights out.

Local Controllers Ch9
set up a tongue control that moves a tongue skeleton outside the animation heirarchy.

Local Controllers Ch10
add eyes to the character with bones.

PuppetMaster Ch1
Prepare a model in Wings3d for the lesson. learn ways to slice up a face for the puppetmaster effect.

PuppetMaster Ch2
Test the different PuppetMaster Segments in Messiah using the Xform effect.

PuppetMaster Ch3
Use Wings3d to slice up a character into puppetMaster segments one polygon wide.

PuppetMaster Ch4
Learn to weight these segments correctly using only one model and the 'all connected' metaEffector.

PuppetMaster Ch5
Use Wings3d to slice up a higher resolution character, using mixed singe-poly and multi-poly wide segments

PuppetMaster Ch6
Construct a simple skeleton for the high resolution character.

PuppetMaster Ch7
Create Weights with MetaEffectors using the previous lesson's techniques.
use the MetaWeight tool to unify multiple metaEffectors into useable bone weights.

Advanced Facial Rigging 1

Here is the Chapter List for Advanced Facial Rigging 1:

-Basic explanation of how this character's features are built
for the tutorial.

-use Messiah's flex deformer to control the lips, using MetaEffectors
to mask the weighting.

-use messiah's Xform effect and the Metaweight Compositing tool
for dynamic lip weighting.

-Use Messiah's Flex deformer to control Sneers and cheek movement.

-Use Messiah's Flex deformer to control Brow movement

-Add a generic skeleton to Silver.

-add skeleton to the eye geometry.

-use Nulls in a scene to organize Silver's effects and controls.

-learn how prototyping mouth behaviours can lead to better control.

-using the prototyped sliders from the previous lesson, create
accurate facial poses for the Mouth.

-using prototyped sliders, create facial poses for the brow.

-using prototyped sliders, create facial poses for the cheeks and eyes.

-use expressions to link the mouth poses to the sliders.

-Use expressions to link the brow and cheek poses to the sliders.

-use Expressions to link the Eyes and Eyelid poses to the sliders

-this is an overview to wrinkle morph targets.

-use Wings3d to model wrinkles into Silver's forehead.

-Use Wings3d to model Wrinkles into Silvers Mouth, nose, and Cheeks

-hook up the wrinkle morphs to Silver inside Messiah.

-Explanations and methods of making dynamic Wrinkle morphs for Silver's

-Explanations and methods of making dynamic Wrinkle morphs for Silver's
mouth, cheeks and nose.

Part 2_Jim
Note: the Wings3d segment of this part have been reduced to 640 by 360 to fit
on this CD. all other videos on this CD are 960 by 530.
-Create a blink morph to discuss the shortcomings of morph targets.

-simple theory of creating a corrective target to overcome the linear movement.

-use expressions to define how the corrective morph applies to the blink to fix it.

-use Wings3d to model Jim's Jaw open.

-use messiah as a modeling tool to generate a reverse-morph to close Jim's
lips when his mouth opens.

--use Wings3d to model Jim's lip Sneer.

-use Wings3d to model Jim's Lip Curling.

-use Wings3d to model Jim's corner lip pull.

-use Wings3d to model Jim's Lip narrowing morph.

-use Wings3d to model Jim's cheek puffing.

-use Wings3d to model Jim's Smile morph.

-use Wings3d to model Jim's Blinking lids.

-use Wings3d to model Jim's Lip translations.

-use Wings3d to model Jim's Jaw grinding.

-Use Messiah as a modeling tool to reverse-morph a closed-mouth grind shape.

-use Wings3d to model Jim's Cheek Squinting.

-use Wings3d to model Jim's brow positions.

-drop a skeletal effect into jim for his neck, head, and eye control.
use Nulls to zero-out translation and rotation values on facial controls.

-use expressions to tie the morph targets to Jim's Jaw Control bone.

-Use metaEffectors driven by expressions to control left and right
blending on Jim's Mouth.

-Use Expressions to tie morph targets to Jim's Lip Control bone.

-Use MetaEffectors to control left and right blending on Jim's lips.

-Use expressions to tie morphs to Jim's Cheek Control Bone.

-Use Expressions to tie morphs to Jim's Brow. control all of the
brow positions with one bone.

-layer expressions onto each other to get sticking eyelids and, eyelids_Ch23_Eyes
use expressions to tie the eyes and eyelids to the same control bone.

Facial Rigging Tutorials Out Now!!

Weeee! I finally powered through the tutorials. Enough so, that it may take you 8 straight hours to watch both of them. Finally!. It sure has been a while since I've created any training material for Messiah, but it's great to coincide with the new v3.0 release of Messiah:Studio.

This is also a great time to announce that the tutorial CDs are available for online download, too!
Just the turnaround on getting the CD over to cafepress was a few weeks! Having a venue to get a product out there immediately has spurred me to try to be quicker to market with my stuff. seems to be doing a pretty good job at handling the bandwidth for downloads, which opens up another option: I can now record new tutorials in High Definition format, instead of down-sampling them to fit on CD media. Everyone has bandwidth, nobody wants to check mail.

so.. if you wish to know about how I set up Facial animation in Messiah, check them out!